Friday, July 20, 2018

The Triad of Health- Spiritual Health

Everything that trains through your mind and soul is your mental / spiritual health. Reconnecting within your divine beauty through mental thoughts and practices. Your spiritual health helps you build confidence, love, self-estem, affinity, passion, serenity, and much more within yourself. Every being is a source of energy, light, guidance in your life. Helping you learn and grow, building your metal life. Practicing religion is a form of spirituality. Exploring the mind and universe. Figuring out rather God is real or not, or how we became on this planet. Each a source of spirituality.

There are may ways to practice your spirituality. Like, practicing your religion. Finding the guidance in life through your beliefs. Personally, this is how I find a lot of my guidance and light. My spiritual sac-rial beliefs are centered within religion. It drives me, guides me and is generating my life. 
Deep meditation or yoga can be sources of this practice. Letting yourself fall into the mind of sensuality and guidance through the movement of your body and mind.  Letting your mind free from all outside thoughts. Deepening your breaths into sic with the movements of your body. Finding the flow within the earth. Grounding your root (Muladhara) chakra into the roots of the earth. Guiding all the way up each chakra until you end at the crown (Sahasrara) With your hands placed together and your thumbs placed on your third eye. Really letting your mind flow and your heart open up the the sky. 

Spiritual practice can be found by nature. Surrounding yourself within Mother Earths divine beauty. Letting our mother speak to us with deeper connections. Organically flowing through the peace and beauty. Letting go of our trials, baggage and dis-pare. Letting Mother Earth shed our troubles away if you let her. Finding the organic connections between you and this universe. Learning how to understand that you are a star in this orgasmic movement within the universe. Each part of you was made by the God of the stars.

"Having compassion, the capacity for love and forgiveness, altruism, joy, fulfillment help you enjoy your spiritual health. Your religious faith, values, beliefs, principles, and morals define your spirituality." 
Find who you are through your spiritual mantra. Discover yourself, learn what you love Where you came, what you came here for. Ground yourself within the roots of the earth. Practice meditation or surround yourself in Mother Earths Beauty. Find what guides you, teaches you and heals you.  

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